The purpose of QR Codes

The purpose of QR Codes

A QR Code is an essential tool in connecting the offline and online marketing world. Instead of of typing in Web addresses character by character, QR Codes can be scanned easily and quickly. This opens up endless possibilities for reaching consumers.

QR Codes are a vital marketing tool

Since QR Codes found their way into marketing, they have become an indispensable part of virtually any campaign. Extra features offered by modern QR Code generators make the Codes especially suitable for reaching the prospective customers.

Versatile areas of application.

Since QR Codes provide a direct link in the online world, this produces countless possibilities to engage users in a positive way. From simple information, such as contact details, event dates and product descriptions, to special promotions, such as sweepstakes, coupons and voting - you can offer your customers virtually anything you can display in a Web browser. All of this with a single scan.

Customer activation

By scanning the QR Code, potential customers are instantly more engaged with your advertisement or marketing message. They have actively chosen to request further information. The customers are, therefore, more involved and retain the information received longer in their memory. This advantage is not to be underestimated, as consumers are confronted with hundreds of advertising messages each day.

Direct contact to the customer and user feedback

QR Codes also establish a direct contact to your customers and promote a dialog with them. A QR Code can, for example, provide the user with the possibility to deliver feedback on products or services. On this occasion, you can also receive email addresses or contact information from your users and will be able to use this data for further interactions.

QR Codes technology is easily accessible

What makes QR Codes especially attractive for marketing is their low cost and universal applicability. Targeted to mobile users, QR Codes help to reach your audience at any time and place. Apart from a smartphone, no special equipment is required, and there are no intermediaries between you and the user.

Campaign success is measurable

The scan of a Code and the forwarding to the destination website can be registered and counted. Furthermore, it can be identified, when, where and with what device the QR Code was scanned. Thus, the success of such a campaign is always transparent and traceable in real time. The QR Code is therefore suitable not only to amplify your print advertising, but may at the same time act as a quantitative measuring tool.

QR Codes are there to stay

Today the world counts about 1.76 billion smartphone users with an incredible 2.73 billion to be expected by 2018. This massive distribution of mobile devices (and thus potential QR Code readers) requires a stronger consideration of the mobile channel. If you have been ignoring mobile marketing until now, there has never been a better time to start benefiting from the mobile channels’ wide range and advantages.

Taking a look at this year’s development of website views coming from mobile devices in comparison to stationary computers and laptops shows a significant change in how people use the Internet today Compared to 2013, the share of mobile usage in the total Web usage has grown from 14% to 25%.2

The spread of the LTE mobile communication standard, better network coverage and the trend towards larger displays will continue to boost this tendency. Smartphones and tablet PCs could soon be the first choice when surfing and gradually replace stationary Internet access.

With more and more world-famous companies starting to use QR Codes, even as a key element of their campaigns, the global knowledge of Codes will further grow steadily. To give an example, more than 75% of the smartphone users in Germany know about QR Codes already.3 Besides, more and more mobile devices such as phones and tablets are capable of detecting Codes with their cameras, which makes downloading and launching a special app not necessary anymore. This will lead to even greater acceptance and a broader target group.

1 eMarketer (2014), Worldwide Smartphone Usage to Grow 25% in 2014 [Internet] New York, eMarketer. Available from [Accessed 19 December 2014].

2 KCPB (2014) Key Internet Trends, San Francisco, KCPB. Available from: SlideShare [Accessed 19 December 2014].

3 Statista (2014) Bekanntheit von QR-Codes im Bezug auf Mobile Payment 2014 [Internet], Hamburg, Statiststa GmbH. Available from [Accessed 19 December 2014].

One Code, many possibilities

Read more about QR Codes in the next chapter.

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